She's Not That Positive

I’m positive about a lot of things, in a pessimistic kind of way.

Good Morning! August 11, 2010

I love mornings.

OK, wait.

Before I get an assault of “ummm ya right” comments from those of you that I have lived with, or am living with, travelled with, woken up next to, or know me at all—I know I am not a morning person per se.

While I am not a practicing morning person, I am an aspiring morning person.

I’ll clarify. I love what mornings should be—waking up with the sun after a restful night’s sleep; relaxing with the paper and a hot cup of tea, while thinking about the events of the coming day; a light yoga routine, shower then off to experience the joy of a brand new day. Siiiiiiiiiigggghhhh… Namaste.

This is NOT how I start my days.

No, my days start at 6 a.m. with the clock radio playing some shitty pop song, and me hitting the snooze button 6 times (or more), before I FINALLY roll my tired ass out of bed at 6:30/6:45 for a quick shower. (We have to perfectly time the morning shower routine, two 9-5 girls, one bathroom.) Then the frantic “WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!” ritual begins, with me searching—on the floor and in my closet—for something, clean, work appropriate and somewhat flattering (you never know who you will meet on the way to, or from work). Hair, make-up, pack lunch (if there’s time, and food), race to train with hundreds of other people, who frankly smell like they didn’t have time to shower. Aaaaaaarrrrghhhh… Stress! No wonder I am a massive bitch in the morning, who could blame me?!?!

Why can’t I enjoy my mornings, relax and start the day with a smile? Everyday I think to myself “tomorrow will be different; I will pack my lunch and pick my clothes the night before.” I have every intention of going to bed early (damn you John Stewart and your late night banter!) getting up on time, doing Yoga, and even *shock* having breakfast.

Hasn’t happened yet… but tomorrow could be different.


2 Responses to “Good Morning!”

  1. Rob Says:

    You were perfectly chipper in NYC! Just pretend that you are in the big apple and you will spring out of bed!

  2. Kevy Metal Says:

    I would say I’m a morning person, but not in the sense that I leap out of bed every morning and greet the world with a song… I’m woken up by the same bad pop music as you… But I know that as a guy it’s different for us. Yeah, I do a certain amount of preening and grooming – I’m a guy, not a caveman.

    Having said that, all of the work that you and other women do to get ready in the morning is greatly appreciated by guys like myself 😉

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